It was the 1st April and while walking along the river Lyner, a couple of miles outside Callington, Cornwall, I was surprised to have found plenty of fungi still growing out of rotting stumps. These captures were taken with the Canon 100mm Macro and Tokina 35mm Macro. The 35mm is useful in giving a wider field of view, indicating more foreshortening/perspective while hinting at the wooded background.
Cap: Egg-shaped when young, later bell-shaped, yellow – to foxy-brown; grooved, small glistening grains cover apex of young cap and soon disappear; up to 3cm wide and equally high.
Gills: Greyish-white, later black with lighter, floccose edge.
Spores: Black.
Stem: White.
Habitat: From April/May in groups on moist soil or in stumps.