First capture taken with my (then) new camera, Canon 7D. I was getting fed up with constantly having to change lenses from the MPE-65mm to the 100mm Macro and vice versa. In the studio it’s no big deal but in the field its a real nuisance as by the time I have changed lenses the insect has flown away! So now I have the 100mm attached to my 7D and the MP-E and diffused flash on my 40D.
At first I mistook this moth for a butterfly as it rests with its wings closed vertically over its body like those of butterflies. The featherlike (as opposed to clubbed antennae) are perhaps the most notable moth feature. Finally, the characteristic white half crescent moon shape in the middle of its wing is a specific characteristic feature of the Early Thorn moth (Salenia dentaria). Looking at my field guide I can also see that the colouring and markings are that of a male, the female is lighter and paler.