Projects filed under: Bees & Wasps

Lasioglossum bees (commonly known as Sweat Bees) are small black bees (smaller than the honey bees) known to have bands of light hairs at the base of their abdominal segments. As can be seen, this species has a preference for...
They are named from their habit of making compartments of mud in their nests, which are made in hollow reeds or holes in wood made by wood-boring insects. It is a tremendous pollinator, calculated to be between 120 and 200...
The Honey Bee, is any bee member of the genus Apis, primarily distinguished by the production and storage of honey and the construction of colonial nests from wax. Honey bees represent only a small fraction of the roughly 20,000 known...
During Autumn, when nectar and pollen sources dwindled, the ivy provided a much welcome source of food for many insects; such as the common wasp, late-season butterflies (Red Admirals) hoverflies, bumble bees and the ivy bee (a bee that specialises...
The Common Carder Bee is a brown and orange bumblebee, sometimes displaying darker bands on the abdomen. It is one of our most common bumblebees, emerging in the early spring and can be seen feeding on flowers right through to...